Support AFW: Our Donors

With Gratitude

 We may not be able to change the world, but because of YOU, we continue to change lives, one flight at a time.

Your support is vital, as each dollar of your donation allows Angel Flight West to provide $5-$8 in services as we spread hope and health across the Western US.

Thank you our in-kind donors, our volunteer pilots, our airline partners, Facebook supporters, and to so many others who lift us with donations of goods and services.

We could not do this good work without the exceptional support we receive from YOU.

With gratitude,

Angel Flight West Staff, Board of Directors and Passengers

If you have donated to us but do not see your name on this list — or if your name contains an error — please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll correct it.

2024 Diamond Halo

$50K - $1M

Alaska Airlines
AOPA Foundation/Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Aviation Tax Consultants
Eric and Becky Chadwick
Daniel Cheung and Vivian Fung
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Faith Family Princess Ball
Monte Herring
Ken and Linda Morris
Morris Foundation
Anonymous Foundation
Si Robin Foundation
Windermere Foundation

2024 Platinum Halo

$25K - $49K

Air Lease Corp.
Chapple Family Charitable Fund
Richard Conti and Shawn Klein
The Dorrance Family Foundation
Jim Gordon
The Green Foundation
Hillwood Development Company, LLC
Josh Lobel
Anonymous Foundation
UCLA Health
Marion Esser Kaufmann Foundation
Marshall and Margherite McComb Foundation
Mark Merrill
Alexander Polvi/The Eola Fund
Rob and Cathie Ross
James and Glenys Slavik
The Smidt Foundation
Alexios Stavropoulos
The Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation, Inc.
Tate Family Foundation
Turbine Engine Specialists (TES)
Mark and Amy Wolper
Anonymous Foundation

2024 Gold Halo

$10K - $24K

Aaron Abbott
Apex Foundation
Baxter International, Inc.
Richard Beattie
Daniel Calugar
Clay Lacy Foundation
Rob and Natalie Corrao
Cutter Aviation
James Cyb and Teresa Wall-Cyb
Dan Rickabus – State Farm Insurance
Mark and Mari Donnelly
Stephen Elop
The Frank and Victoria Fertitta Foundation, Ltd.
Arturo and Amy Franz
Hans and Sally Fuegi
Ott and Laurie Gaither
George Hoag Family Foundation
Vince Gilligan and Holly Rice
Paul Hiss
Kevin Hutton
Jar of Zarephath, LLC
Tod Johnson
Anonymous Donor
M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Marks Family Foundation
Marshall & Mary Brondum Special Assistance Foundation, Inc
Bruce McCaw
James McGrath
McInerny Foundation
Trevor Moody and Laura Hernon
Niceville Family Dental
The Norcliffe Foundation
Thomas Phillips
Rogolsky Family Foundation
Roundhouse Foundation
Phillip Sarofim
Mark Wittcoff
Robert and Leslie Zemeckis
The Zemeckis Charitable Foundation/Leslie & Robert Zemeckis

2024 Silver Halo

$5K - $9K

Archer Family Charitable Corporation
William Banta
Bashaw Family Foundation, Inc.
Kaycee Beall
Steven and Jill Beck
Bill and Rosemary Gallagher Foundation
Marius Breitenbach
Anlee Brickman
Craig and Susan Burger
California Community Foundation
Cardinals Charities
Cooke Foundation
Gary Davis
Emily Deaton
George Deverian
The E.L. Cord Foundation
ECHO of Northrop Grumman
The Edward and Romell Ackley Foundation
Eileen and Fred Schoellkopf Family Foundation
Anonymous Foundation
Dane Elefante
Foundation Source
Noah Franz
George and Margaret Futas
Jake Garcia
Michael and Bette Gardner
The General Aviation Law Firm, P.C.
Georgia Griffiths and Colleen Kendall
GR’s Foundation
Paul Henderson
Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation
Eugene Hufford
Humboldt Area Foundation + Wild Rivers Community Foundation
Idaho Community Foundation
Jody Jonsson
Sam and Nicole Kasparek
Donald Lewis
Mike McDaniel
McDermott & Bull
Rodney and Laura McDermott
Ryan Middlemiss
Kanae Mukai
National Christian Foundation California
Northern California Business Aviation Association (NorCalBAA)
Annette Okamura
one three right studios
OnXmaps Inc.
Mary Phillips
Susan Plautz
Seattle Children’s Hospital
The R. Harold Burton Foundation
Paul A Redmond
Anonymous Donor
Robert S. and Dorothy J. Keyser Foundation
Clay Ross
Lou Rossi
Laura Saade
Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Titan Aviation Fuels
Wayne Toddun
Val A. Green and Edith D. Green Foundation, Inc.
David Volkmann
Raul Webster
Westcap Corp.
Woolpert, Inc.

2024 Bronze Halo

$1K - $4K

Ace American Insurance Co
Lisette Ackerberg
Kenneth and Gabrielle Adelman
Advanced Air Aircraft Services LLC/Jet Center
Jim Anderson
Howard and Lynn Arimoto
Clarence Armstrong
The Arthur & Patricia Price Foundation
Dirk Aulabaugh
Marnie Aulabaugh
BackSwing Golf Events
Thomas and Monica Balch
Gewertz Family Fund
Bank of Utah
Judi Barker
William Bayne
Donald and Susan Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett
Berro Family Foundation
Jerome Birn
Liisa Bishop
Ron Blake
Timothy Blett
Gerald Block
Jennifer Bolanis
Malcolm and Karen Bond
Lynn Bondo
Danielle Booth
SoCal Silverliners
Marjorie Brann
Norm and Peggy Brod
Robert and Stella Brunner
Anoymous Donor
Patricia Campbell
Capata CPA
Victor Cardona
Chris Celtruda
David Chandler
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities
Jenna Chiabai
Michael Christie
Ross and Laura Comer
Concierge Diamonds
Rick Corbett
Catherine Corona
Crane Charitable Funds
Cygnet Aerospace
Stephen and Marjorie Danz
Dassault Falcon Jet
Becky Davis
Caroline Davis
Melinda Denton
Alan Dias and Jennie Manders
Anonymous Donor
East Bay Claims Association (EBCA)
Matthew Eckert
Margaret Edwards
The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation
Cedar Realty Management, Inc.
Alison and David Faddis
Cristoffer Fairweather
Ellen Faustine
Anita Fernandez
Keith and Laurie Ferrell
Samuel Fowler
Duane and Sandra Frederiksen
Steve Funk
Jeffrey and Kate Garbarino
Steven Gex
Wendi Gladstone
Kenneth Goble
Stephen Goch
Zelda Goodman
John and Amy Goodrich
The Goodstein Foundation
Carolyn Graham Orr
Andrew Grant
Emma Griffith
Adam Hahn
Mark Hanson
Sharlene Hardin
Fay Hauser-Price
John Hayes
David and Keeley Hellberg
James Hesseman
Mark Higgins
Brett Hobbs
Hunter-Garcia Family
Kuangwei and Izabela Hwang
International Aircraft Dealers Association (IADA)
Carl Jacobs and Liz Hume
Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance
Michael and Beth Jesch
The John C. Kish Foundation
Joanne Johnson
Wendy Johnson
Eric and Joanna Jonsson
Steve Kane
Kenny Kato and Irene Tran
Jeremy Katz
Kale Kaufman
Ryan Kenney
Jon Kent
James Kidrick
Dale and Patricia Klapmeier
David Kleine
Leslie Knysh
Mike Konle
Eugene Korney
Steve Krekelberg and Kim Okamura
Kretschmer Foundation
Lynn Krogh
Rhonda Larance
Leading Edge Avionics
E. T. and Esther Lee
Leisure Capital Management
Shawn Linch
Bill Low
Brett and Caroline Lunger
Brian Mackin
Keith Magee
Don G. Majors Jr
Greg Mallo
Aselin Maloney
Benjamin and Jessica Marcus
Leo and Rachel Marcus
Anonymous Donor
Christopher Matter
Elver McClelland and E. J. Mc Clelland
MMTM Real Estate
Emmanuel Mohareb
Jeff Moorhouse
Dan Moran
John and Heather Morrow
Mountain America Credit Union
Scott Musser
Anand Narayanappa
National Business Aviation Association, Inc. (NBAA)
Cameron O’Connor
Josh and Erin Olson
John and Billie O’Mack
James and Deborah Origliosso
Sean Oswald
Peek Family Charitable Foundation
Rafe and Karen Pery
Scott Peterson
Emma Pham
Rich and Jane Pickett
Mary Pilkington
Darren Pleasance
Andrew Pomerantz
David Pound
PSG Medical Center Foundation/Beat the Odds
Pure Imagination, LLC
Quality Candy Co, LLC
Lars Rathje
Garrett Reisman
Christine Rhoades
Tim Rhode
Robert & Eleanor Demple Family Foundation
John Rochelle
Timothy and Doris Ronan
Phillip and Pamela Rosnik
Diane Ross-Glazer
Andrew Rottler
Arline Rubin
Aaron Rutledge
Gary Sackett and Toni Mari Sutliff
SAD Foundation
Dirk Sanders
Rene Santiago
Anthony Schwarz
Max Sherman
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
The Sikand Foundation
Rachel Skogsberg
Patricia Skommesa
Skyryse, INC
Bobby Slater
Isabel Snyder
Sotheby’s International Realty/SSIR Cares, Inc.
Russell Stearns
Karen Stemwell
Strauss Foundation
Jeffrey Streif
Goutham Sukumar
Bill Sutherland
Chris Szarek
Wanda Tang
Mike Taravella
Derek Tellier
Thomas and Mary Kay Gallagher Foundation
Toray Advanced Composites
Turley Wine Cellars
Turpin Family Charitable Foundation
Weston Ureda
Topher VanMourick
Alissa Vass
Vast Space, LLC
Mark Vrahas
Barry Watkins
Tyler Watkins
We-Ko-Pa Golf Club
Kevin Wells
Doris Westoby
Janet White
Tim White
Janet Williams
David Winter
Wold Foundation
Robert Wolfe
George Woodward
Kathie Woolard
Douglas Young
Carlos Zendejas

2024 Copper Halo

$1 - $999

Academy of Magical Arts, Inc.
David Ackerman
Shannon Adducci
Tina Aguiar
David Aheimer
Arlene Aho
Stephen Akerele
Henriette Alamillo
Molly Alderete
Patricia Alder
David and Cynthia Aldous
Josh Almieri
Eliot Alper
Amina Alvare
Ingrid Alvarado Marroquin
Kathryn Last
Clarita Amurao
Amy Madnick
Archana Anand
Anonymous Donor
Jessica Anderson
Mariya Anderson
Nicole Anderson
Tom Anderson
Corina Andreatta
Deborah Andre
Apl Wealth
Michael Arakelian
Frank Arano
Rolando Archila
Karen Ardin
Anonymous Donor
Barbara Atkins
Avion Law
Jody Bachini
Howard and Rhoda Backer
Michael Baginski
Kevin H. and Jenine Baines
Lee and Valerie Baker
Nancy Balter
Alexander Bandel
Anonymous Donor
Kyle Barnhart
Christina Barrios
Donald and K. Bauer
Daniel Baum
Bearizona Wildlife Park
Jen Beck
Adam Begin
Barbara Belanyi
Bernice Belisario and Michael Power
Gregory Bell
Jeff Bellitti
Mark Bellio
Andrew Belov
Anjanette Benefield
Christopher and Lizzie Bennett
Howard and Ann Bennett
Maury Benson
David Bentley
Eric Berman
Jessica Berman
Elise Bernstein
Roger Bertsch
Vineer Bhansali
Jason Bickley
Jared Bielunis
Steven Bier
Cheri Bilodeau
Nancy Binger
Duke Bishop
Robert Black
Scott Blanksteen
Nancy Blatnik
Robbie Blevins Fisher
Steve Block
Spencer Bloomer
Marty and Debbie Blumenthal
Andre Boccaletti
The Boeing Company
Eddie Bonner
Suzanne Boone
Mary Booth
Brock Boscovich
Jamie Bouchard
Rachel Bowman
Joy Bradley
Mollie Bradlee
Dana Braner
Greg Bratcher
Chuck Hohos & Joanne Brattain
Mister Braxton
Karen Bray
Philip Brazio
Ray and Barbara Breslau
Brewer and Brewer
Logan Brodine
David and Brigid Brookman
Lois Brooks
Megan Brown
Ron and Kimberly Bruder
Marty Bryant
William Brye
Heather Bulk
Chris Bull
Scott and Rachel Burger
Kent Burke
Thomas and Patricia Burke
Alison Burnett
Ellen Butler Donovan
Caduceus Cellars
Danna Campbell
Kevin Campbell
Carpinteria Lions Club
Bobby Casillas
Alan Cathcart
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees Association
Colleen Ceyssens
Troy Chapman
Chris & Jennifer Boyer
Charity Gift Certificates
Claudia Chavez
Mark Chesler
Linda Chiverton
Brian Choules
Georgia and Chris Christopher
Harold Christiansen
Paula Christensen
Richard Christie
Stacey Christensen
Keith Cinea
City of Lynden LEAF
Don Clark
Robert Clark
Thomas and Cathie Close
Shani Codr
Marsha Cohen
Greg Coleman
Kathleen Connors
Alexandra Conti
Andrew Conti
Cynthia Cooper
Jen Cooper Beyer
Reg Cooper
Georgia and Jim Corbett
Peter Cordray
Monica Corgan
Marilee Coriell
Pamela Corrington
Alfred Cossey
Wister Costanza
John and Kristen Courtney
Peter and Laurie Cranston
Catherine Cray
Sharon Crotty
Letitia Culbertson
Tracey Curtis-Taylor
Angela Dahlke
Elizabeth Daley and James Hindman
Marilyn Damato
Quintin Daniels
Mary Dankert
Gregory Danz
Susan Davidson Schaefer
David Davis
Bodhisattva Debnath
Vance DeBruine
Matthew DeFreece
James and Jane Dell
Sherrie Dell
LuAnn DePuy
Jacqueline DesJardens
Christina Dettmers
Sarah DeVincentis
Christy DeYoung
Patricia Dinner
Bill Dion
Timothy DiPirro
Beverly Disbrow
Roy Dixon and Judith Wendling
Steven Dixon
Mike and Sharon Dollinger
Will Domier
Paul and Sarah Donahue
Thomas Donnelly
Dale Doty
Dan and Jamie Dougherty
David Downs
James Driscoll
Martin and Lianne Droze
Gary and Michele Drska
William Dunford
Laine Dunham White
Linda Dunham
Allan Dunlap
Chad Dunsby
Caleb Dupuis
Diana C. Durham
Dusty Wings
Lilian Dworecki
Blake Dyches
Tyler Easton
Deanna Eddleman
Patricia Edwall
Angela Edwards
Harold Edwards
Rob Edwards
Madi Eichten
Ace Ellinwood
Rian Ellis
Tami Ellis
Joelle Erickson
Estate d’Iacobelli Winery
Ellen Fahr
Dixon Family
Joanne Farkas
Marie A Fasano
Tara Feimster
James Ferguson
Lora Ferguson
Benjamin Ferko
Gina Fernandez
Mike and Angela Ferraro
Ben Fields
Gary Field
James Filoteo
Michael Finegold
Anastassia Fink
Firefighters Burn Institute
Paul Fishburn
Kerry and Deb Fisher
Spencer Fisher
Alex Fishman
Robert and Janice Flood
The Flower Fields
Teri Floyd
Mark Foster
Montana Foulke
Sue Frank
Daniel Freeland
Laura Frese
Arthur Friedman
Chris and Patricia Fry
Charmaine Fuglsby
Richard and Irene Fulton
Marie Furter
Evan Futran
Alfredo Garcia
Renee Garcia
Ruben Garcia
Michelle Gardiner
Melissa Gates
Susan Geiss
Bruce Gelvin
Diane Gelvin
Nico Ghilardi
Noral Ghoslin
Brad Gilboe
David Gilchrist
Hope Gillis
Lisa Giocomo
Marco Girotti
Grant Glazer
Marla Glick
Gloria Ferrer Winery
Kathleen Golden
Florence Gonzales
Tanya Gonzales
John Goodrich
Steve Grandfield
Leo Granucci
Ann Greenspun
Gerod Green
Roberta Greenfield
Scot Greenwood
Valerie Gregory
Lyubov Grodnitsky
Gordon Grosslight
Trenton Groth
Emily Grubb
Steve and Linda Gurnee
William Gust
Jason Haddock
Garrett Hade
Tacy Hahn
Hai Hospitality
Gary Haight
Scott Haire
Anne Hall
Donna Hall
Doris Hall
April Hansen
Lori Hansen
D. Harm
Tommy Harman
Harry Haroldson
Yvonne Harrell
Jeanna Harris
Hart Aviators LLC
Anneke Harvey
Eric Haskel
Ellie Hawkins
Carol Healey
Nathan Heartt
Margaux Helvey
Brian Henrichs
Janice Heppe
Herbert & Gertrude Halverstadt Foundation
Julio Hernandez
Theresa Hernandez
Rod Herrick
Adam Hill
JoAnn Hinderliter
Melonie Hines
Nancy Hinsch
Margaret Hinson
Karen and Steve Hinton
Larry Hinton
Jay Hirsh
Laura Hockemeyer
Daniel Hodges
Kathy Hodge
James and Lisa Hoffman
Eric Holgersen
Anna Holmes
Jeff and DeeAnn Howard
Steve Howard
Jennifer Hoyt
Jon Huber
Jim Hudson
William Huff
Patty Hughes
Mick and Raelene Humpherys
James and Diane Hunter
Mary Hunter
Marlene Hutchison
Stuart Hutchinson
Ate I
Kelsi Imo
Erika Ingle
Mark and Lorna Inglee
IntraNext Software, Inc.
IntrNext Systems
June Irey
Joy Isbell
Michelle Iturralde
Andrea Iverson
Gale Jacobs
Jasmine Jaffe
Scott Jahnke
Russ Jarem
Erika Jeffries
Warren & Charlotte Jensen
Jet Center Foundation
Kevin Johnson
Kristina Johnson
Patricia Johnsen
Philip Johnson
Joshua Jonkman
Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald
John Julian
Anonymous Donor
Alec Jurgeleit
William Juri
Virginia jylkka
Kevin Kading
Rami Kandah
Linda Kane
Jennifer Kapple
Joshua and Tamar Katz
Marion and Howard Katz
Marna Kellams
Kristen Kennady
Kimber and Annette Kennedy
Monica Kenney
Ariyana Khan
Timothy Kiehl
Emily Kimball
Sally Kinane
Gregory Kindig
Lillian Kindig
Jeffrey King
Blake Klapmeier
David Knies
Knights Bridge Winery
Patricia Knight
Michael Kobb
Leonid Kogan
Daniel Kokosenski
Dave and Jan Kolstad
Andrea Kovatch
Pavel Kramer
Matthew Krattenmaker
Richard Krizanich
David Krouskop
Kevin Krueger
Catherine Kubacki
Carl Kuhn
Martha Kumar
Kimberly Kunes
Jeanne Kuno
L.L. Bean
Ruth Lacey
Aaron Lade
Alex Lancaster
Denise Langholz
Kimberly Langin
Nick Lannes
Jessica Lanoue
Roy Lardizabal Jr.
Cindy Larsen
Malena Larsen
LAX Silverliners
William Lechtner
Justin Ledford
Gareth Lee
Norman Legault
James and Janet Leonard
Leon and Marlene Leonardo
Dan Leone
Richard Levin
Kelly Lewis
Ti Li
Jouting Liao
Ksenia Libov
Ronald Lindquist
Elissa Lines
Michael Linhart
Lionstone Advisors, LLC
Chris Little
Kyle Lofgren
Eve Lopez
Karen Lopez
Brandon Lor
S. Lovelace
Lowell Observatory
Lyla Lum
Marva Lundgren
Michael Lunn
Judith Lutzky
Jason Lynch
Susan Lyon
Macauley Vineyard
Rob MacSwab
Steve and Cynthia Magidson
John Mahany
Alex and Nancy Malaspina
Marc Malin
Michelle Mallery
Joe Markey
L. Denton Marks
Charles and Ruth Marsden
Franklin Marshall
Paul Marshall
Arthur Martinson
Paul Martin
Laura Mason
Nora Massieon
Darren Mattozzi
Douglas and Melinda Mayor
Debra Mayworm
Lisa McCarter
Sue McConville
Ethan McCoy
Kate McCullough
Jerry McDowell
Geoff McFetridge
Debbie McGrath
Craig McIntyre
Patrick McIntosh
Paige McKay
Gordon McKelvey
Marty McKnew
Beril McManus
Anonymous Donor
Dava and John McNutt
Derek McPhee
Scott McQuown
Dotian McReynolds
Ted Meece
Barbara Meis
Roman Mendez
Gregory Menton
Robert Merrill
David Metchikoff
Jerry Meyer
Jean Michalec
Rick Michalski
Vincent Mickens Houshold
Butch Milbrandt
Kimberly Milius
Patricia Miller
Bruce and Debbie Milliken
Lawrence Milligan
David Mink
Margaret Misner
Austin Mitchell
Janet Mitchell
John Monson
Lawrence Mooney
Brian Moore
Kevin Moore
Christie Moorhouse
Jordan Moorhead
June Morency
Greg and Sonya Morgansen
Laura Morgan
Saundra Morgan
Anonymous Donor
Paula Mortensen
Melissa Morton
Bradley Mullen
Leslie Muntz
Josephine Murphy
Claudia Myers
MyGoFlight | Flight Flix
Sonom Narayan
Lewis Nashner
Eric Nelsen
Kevin Nelsen
Irene Nelson
Justin Nelson
John and Marci Neustadt
Richard Neville and Diana Jung-Neville
Jim and Karen Newell
Erin Newton
Brenna Nichols
David Nicholson
Kevin Nichols
Raymond Nickels
Matt Nicklin
Barbara Niesz
Winette Nilsson
Marty Nislick
Karen Norton
Susand and Robert Novasel
Margot Nuthmann
Jonathan O. Wong
Rami Odeh
Alexa O’Dell
Anonymous Donor
Eric Olsen
Christina Olson
Cinnamon Olson
Thomas Olson
Edward O’Malley
An Kang Ooi
Sarah O’Reilly
Lois and Carl Orfuss
Rebekah Osborne
Alan Ostroff
Mike Otto
Marilyn Overman
Anonymous Donor
Bromley Palamountain
Aaron Paley
Cooper Palubeski
Shelly Parker
Teresa Parker
Luke Parr
Janice and Jonathan Pava
Christopher Pawlak
Joe Pearson
Dawn Pecoraro
Susan Pellegrino
Brandon Perdue
Arthur Perez
Larissa Perez
Randy and Margaret Perry
Jana Petersen
Dennis Phelan
Mark Philippsen
Mary Phillips
Lisa and Scott Pierson
Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd
Piloting 2 Wellbeing
Julia Pion
Rita Pipta
Sarah Pizzaruso
Pledgeling Foundation
Larry Pollock and Rick Klimpke
Mihaela Popescu Stanesti
Jesse Porcelli
Janeew Poutre
Randy and Barbara Powell
Sacha Prickett
Kate Proctor
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Joanna Pruess
Malcolm Purinton
Tim Purinton
Brian Queen
Michael Quispe
Tom Rainey
Edward Ray
Raytheon Technologies Charity Custodial
Colin Reasoner
Grace Redinger
Jim and Virginia Reidy
Howard Reinhart
John Rendall
Debbie and Dave Renner
Gilbert Reyes
Drew Reynolds
Hannah Reynolds
John A Ricci
Genevieve Rideout
Bart Rijmenams
Charlene Riordan
Janis Risch
Bruce Robertson
Brian Rocha
Adriene and Bruce Rockwell
Sheila Rockwell
Karin Rodland
Janet Roesler
Peter and Kathy Roesler
Marcie Roman
Gregory Rose
Anonymous Donor
Brandon and Lindsey Rosenthal
Elayne Rosoff
Ann Rost
Rotary Club of Dublin Foundation
Alex Rote
Derek Roth
Keith Rothberg
June Rothstein
Brian Rowser
Annie Rumley
Nicholas Rutgers
Jacob Rutledge
Lorraine Ryall
Bob Ryker
Jeanne Sabankaya
Jonathan Sanfilippo
Scott Sarrels
Roshelle Satterthwait
Larry Saunders
Claudia Sayers
Lyle Scheppele
William Scherer
Janet Secrest
Mary See
Felipe Serrano
Ronald and Margaret Shapiro
Michael Shaw
Tee Sheffer
Patricia Shephard
Judith Sherman
Sandra Sherman
Trevor Sherman
Ruth Sherry
John Shine
Kripa Shrestha
Robin Siegal
Signature Flight
Jennifer Silanoe
Bonnie Simon
Rebecca Simpson
Paul Singer
Prashant Singri
Jayleen Sisk
Elizabeth Smaker
Andrew Smith
Anonymous Donor
Frank Smith
Steven Smith
Tamu Smith-Kohls
Tim Smith
James Snarski
David Socher
Ivan Sokolovich
The Sorenson Family
Isabel Sotomayor
Zach Spear
Paul and Deborah Speer
Kris Spelman
Harlan Spinner
Sporty’s Pilot Shop
Mark Spreeman
Jochen Spretke
Tanita Spretke
Kathy Stachofsky
Timothy Stansbury
Gary Stark
Stuart Stephens
Anthony and Hella Stieber
Ronald Stone
Candie Stover
Joe and Barbara Straining
Lee Strief
Denise Strogatz
Steve Stroud
Ross Stuart
Lance Stukaloff
Brandy Such
Scott Sullivan
James Sutton
Todd Swain
Shane Swanberg
Rock and Suzanne Swanson
Steve and Kathy Swigard
Carlee Szarek
Charlene Taketa
Evelyn Tan
Diana Tapay
Leanne Tawoda
Curt and Christine Taylor
Alexander Teodoro
Terra Valentine
Larry Thalmann
James Theobald
Dave Thomas
The Thomas Hodge Foundation
William Thomas
Jerrine Thompson
Mathias Thompsen
Matthew Thurber
Jason Tomarken
Debra Torres
Dennis and Averi Torres
Gina Tran
Paula Trauner
Chris Tringali
Sarah Truitt
Brian M. Tucek
Scott Tucker
Kathleen Turnbull
Geoffrey Tyson
UCLA Medical Center
Noreen Udall
Sonja Uihlein
Alan Underwood
United Way of Southern Nevada
Darrelyn Van Horn
Susan Vandenberg
Edie Varley
Enrique Vazquez
Nicholas Vedder
Sara Voorhees
Jennifer Vreeke
Jim Vreeke
Tri Vu
Sarah Wade
Scott Wade
Nowell Walker
Todd Walklett
Jessie Wallace
Walla Painting
Don Walsh
Eleanor Walther
Kirk Walton
Karen Waples
Ryan Warner
Greg Waskul
Michele Watkins
Ann Watson
Aaron Watt
Ryan Watts
James Weaver
Sarah Weaver
William Webb
Carol Weekley
Tracy Weintraub
Greg Wellman
Waldon Werner
Paul Wertheimer
Jan Wesley
Dan Westendorf
Leighton and Geraldine Westereng
Myrna Weston
Brent Wetli
Brad White
Bill Whitsell
Patricia Whittemore
Chad Widtfeldt
Lee Wihitner
Barrie Wilcox
Susan Wilcox
Linda Wilke
Jim and Marsha Williams
David Wilson
Brittany Winder
Jerry Winter
Sheena Winterer
Joseph and Ann Wlad
Edward Wolcott
Keelen Wolper
The Wong Family
Helene Wood
Phil Wood
Cameron Woodward
Frank Woolard
Pearl Woon-Tai
Jaret Wright
Julie Wright
Stephen Wyle
Litan Yahav
David Yerzley
Cynthia Yorkin
Thomas Young
Braden Yuill
Debora Zachau
John Zahner
David Zarghami
Steve Zhou
Jon and Cindy Ziegler
Howard Zodicoff
Ronald Zuker