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Passenger Spotlight: Nubia’s Journey With Angel Flight West

Cancer doesn’t just affect your body — it touches every aspect of a patient’s life. Nubia knows that experience well, sharing both the challenges and encouragement she’s come across during her healthcare journey. After battling metastatic breast cancer for nearly six years, Nubia says she feels “immense gratitude” for each new day she’s been given. Her battle hasn’t been easy, but she’s glad to have found a network of support through Angel Flight West (AFW). 

Focused on her emotional wellbeing, Nubia made the important decision to prioritize her health by taking a break from her professional career as a therapist. “I valued the selfcare of others for so long,” she says. “Now, I’m taking care of myself.”   

This also meant finding a safe and efficient way to travel when her healthcare plan changed from private insurance to Medicare, as flights between Nubia’s home in Tulare, Calif. and her essential care at City of Hope in Phoenix were no longer covered. “I scoured Google to see what was available,” she recalls. “And that’s when I came across Angel Flight West.”  

The process of connecting with AFW was seamless and comforting. “Everyone has been so kind and accommodating in making sure I’m taken care of,” Nubia says. One touching aspect of Nubia’s experience is the connections she’s formed with AFW’s volunteer pilots, including Dennis Phelan of Arizona. Dennis often signs up for Nubia’s flights to ensure she gets to her appointments, more than 528 miles away. “We’ve built a nice relationship,” she says.  

Nubia goes on to mention that as a professional therapist, she knows stress can exacerbate cancer symptoms, saying, “We’re subjecting our bodies to a treatment that’s going to make us (cancer patients) feel unwell. Having these flights available makes a difference to our treatment.”    

To date, Nubia has been gifted with 30 angel flights, and she’s eager to thank both the volunteers and AFW supporters who make each mission possible. “Thank you to everyone who contributes to this organization. I’m grateful to still be here to share my testimonial with you.” 

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