Jim Origliosso is the general manager of Summit Air Services, LLC, a single pilot Part 135 operator. A Certified Public Accountant, he served for 22 years as the Treasurer and Finance Director of the Eugene Water & Electric Board.  He holds an MS in Urban Affairs and Public Policy Analysis from Southern Illinois University.  Jim flies a Piper Saratoga and has been an AFW Command Pilot since 2012, and for several years served as the Oregon Wing Leader and on the AFW Finance Committee.

AFW Board Bio Photo of Jim Origliosso 

Jim Origliosso

| Eugene, OR

Jim Origliosso is the general manager of Summit Air Services, LLC, a single pilot Part 135 operator. A Certified Public Accountant, he served for 22 years as the Treasurer and Finance Director of the Eugene Water & Electric Board.  He holds an MS in Urban Affairs and Public Policy Analysis from Southern Illinois University.  Jim flies a Piper Saratoga and has been an AFW Command Pilot since 2012, and for several years served as the Oregon Wing Leader and on the AFW Finance Committee.