Flight Log

Resources and Stories from Angel Flight West.

New Mobile App Feature – Accessing the Discussion Thread

A recent update of the AFW Mobile App includes easy access to the Volunteer Discussion Thread. To access the thread, go to My Missions. For any upcoming missions, you’ll see the link to the “Discussion Thread” for that itinerary. Tap on that link to view the comments in the thread or add a new comment to the thread.

(Note that you can also access the thread from the My Flights link on the web app, which is located in the left-hand navigation.)

If you’re not familiar with the Volunteer Discussion Thread, we create an email thread for each new itinerary. As volunteers (pilots and drivers) are added any of the mission legs on the itinerary, they are added to the thread. The discussion thread becomes an easy communication tool for all parties involved in the itinerary.

You can use the thread to update your fellow volunteers about updated information you’ve received from the passenger, coordinate timing, alert them to possible weather issues, and so forth.

Note that the thread applies to the itinerary, not just your mission. You may see conversation about a mission on another date. We set the thread up this way since there are many cases where the other mission in the itinerary affects your mission. But please be sure to take note of which mission is being discussed so as to avoid confusion.

We look forward to your feedback on the Volunteer Discussion Thread, and hope that accessing it from the Mobile App will make the feature more useful for you.

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