Welcome new Montana and Hawaii wing leaders!
Mark Haakenson – Montana Wing Leader

Mark Haakenson joined Angel Flight West as a Command Pilot in August of 2016. He is an 8,200+ hour ATP pilot with his CFII/MEI as well as an A&P with Inspection Authorization (I.A.). He works out of Great Falls (GTF) flying a Citation V (560) for a couple of brothers. He also flight instructs and flies contract in twin Cessnas and various Citations. When he’s not flying you will probably find him working on his old FJ40 Landcruiser or hanging out with his wife and three kids.
Growing up, Mark’s dad was a small-town doc and his mom was a nurse. Dinner conversations were often about the medical needs and challenges of those around them. The awareness of those needs prompted Mark to get trained as an EMT while he was still in college. Although his career never took him to the field of medicine, serving those around him has always been a focus for Mark and he has found that his skill set and love of helping others has been a perfect fit for Angel Flight West.
Mark’s love of aviation, knowledge of medical needs, and passion to help others has led him to pursue ways he can assist Angel Flight West. He looks forward to working alongside our volunteers to further our goals and expand our mission as Montana’s new Wing Leader.
Ace Ellinwood – Hawaii Wing Leader

Ace has been a Command Pilot with Angel Flight for many years, completing over 40 missions. His decades of experience in aviation make him a true asset to our Hawaii wing. He retired from flying fighters for the Air Force and the Hawaii Air Guard. He has flown other missions, in L-39’s and Alpha Jets, as a military contractor for the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps.
He also spent years flying 737’s for Aloha Airlines. He has flown inter-island, as a charter pilot, in Cessna and Piper aircraft. He let me know a highlight in his aviation adventures was flying a C-182 around South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe with his son. He and his wife have lived in Kaneohe for the last 39 years. It is truly an honor to have Ace as our fellow Aviator and now as Wing Leader for the Hawaii Wing. I hope you all take the time to give him a warm Aloha.